Spring Eggs

Easter is just around the corner and is the most wonderful time of renewal for our souls and nature begins to unfold everything fresh! Our family goes back and forth from dining out at Easter after church, usually at one of Nashville’s wonderful hotels, or I entertain everyone in our home for lunch.
Several years ago, friends of ours hosted an Easter dinner party on Good Friday. It was such a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday and a great way to catch up with friends before all the busy hubbub of Easter Saturday and Sunday.
Of course, Easter always involves eggs. One of my favorite items to collect are nests. Hence, The Collected Nest (now Amy Montgomery Home).
What goes in most nests? Eggs.
In my early days of The Collected Nest, when new items would appear in my space at Gas Lamp Too, I would post that fresh eggs had arrived in the nest.
About three years ago I ran across an artist by the name of Amy Crews. What was not to like? We shared the same name, both are Southern ladies AND she paints the most beautiful nests with the most glorious little eggs. When I got to meet her in person at Lipscomb during their art show, I had to control my fan-girl reaction. I distinctly remember her slowly stepping back as I was entering her art booth with much enthusiasm. Lord have mercy! She had the sweetest collection of tiny egg paintings. Yes, tiny hand painted oil paintings of eggs! The swooning began.

I have set this table for my Easter guests with these precious itty bitty egg paintings. My gift to my guests. I feel like they are more of a gift to me, because the reactions will be priceless! Again, for a smaller crowd I have chosen to set the table in the library. The dishes on this table are my everyday dishes. Simple, but fresh and colorful.
Oil Egg Paintings: Amy Crews Artist / amycrewsgallery.com
Dinner Plates: Anthropolgie / Old Havana White
Salad Plates: Anthropolgie / Old Havana Mint
French Bee Flatware: Horchow
Black Ticking Runner: The Collected Nest at Gas Lamp Too / Nashville
Seaglass Hemstitch Napkins: The Collected Nest at Gas Lamp Too / Nashville
Galvanized Tray and Faux Eggs: Scarlet Scales Antiques / Franklin